[Sale!] Help Me Make My Rent SUPER SALE! <33

[Help Me Make Rent Super Sale!]

HEY NEIGHORINOS it's me, your fave* solo indie game dev! As you know I make 100% of my money making video games and through my comics day job! Right now my food stamps application is still being processed after like, several months, and I'm $200 short on December rent, so I'm doing a SUPER SALE!

*fave may vary

C'mon down and get Slasher U and/or the Boyz of Slasher U pinup nsfw zine at 20% off until I make my rent back! that's 15+ hours of queer dating sim content for $10. ten mere dollhairs. or BOTH for fifteen! AND. you'll help me not get evicted during fucking christmastime! IT'S A WIN-WIN! :D

I'm ALSO still working my ass off on that big Winter Update for Act 1, with the Truth or Dare sequence, cane accessories, new accessibility settings, and more! <33


As always, you guys are hands down my fave part of bringing this campus to life :'))))) I couldn't do this without you!!!! (And, just in case I don't see you til the Winter Update, Happy Hannukah to all who celebrate!) xoxoxoxooxoxox Professor Plutonium

Get Slasher U: An 18+ Horror Movie Dating Sim! Act 1

Buy Now$14.99 USD or more

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