[Mac Version] Damaged File Bug & A Temporary Workaround!

[Mac Version Workaround]

As you may have noticed (if you've been checking the bug thread!) I'm hard workin' on the Mac version's damaged filepath bug - it works just fine scooting along my OWN Mac no matter where I put it or copy-paste it, it's just breaking when it gets uploaded to the Internet, which is deeply unfortunate. ALL THIS TO SAY: I've temporarily pulled the Mac launcher version down! HOWEVER, if you'd like to play Slasher U on a Mac, you can still do so via PortingKit! I've provided a walkthrough here:

Installing Slasher U with PortingKit Instructions

  1.  Download and install PortingKit (here)! You'll also need the regular PC version of Slasher U.
  2. Open PortingKit.
  3. Click the Library tab.
  4. Press the "New Custom Port" button in the upper left corner (the one that says "Wrapper").
  5. Under "Which is the Port Name?", type "Slasher U Act 1" (or name it whatever you like!)
  6. Hit Next until you see this screen, and apply these settings: 
  7. Hit Next, then Install!
  8. When the screen pops up, navigate to where your Slasher U Act 1.exe file is & double click it. 
  9. Wait patiently! If another Wineskin pops up, make sure it's set to Windows 7 (see below) and hit OK.
  10. The game will play! Enjoy your bangin'! (When you close the game for the first time, it'll make you navigate to your Slasher U Act 1.exe again.)

You're done! You can play your installed Slasher U from your Apps folder (or wherever you saved it) at any time *without* using PortingKit!

I will let you all know ASAP when it's fixed!


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