[New Build!] v7.0025: Tate Fixes for Tate Likers

New build (v7.0025), available now on the main page! Please tell me if you can play through to the end of Tate's main quest in Act 2 properly. Pleek.


  • Fixed ability to talk to Tate about the binder
  • Fixed option for telling Plutonium you already know about the Anti Hays Social Club
  • [TENTATIVE] Fixed filters sticking around after talking to Veronika about the binder
  • [TENTATIVE] Fixed filters sticking around after talking to Tate about his dad coming
  • Player can now be correctly cast as Nate in Tate’s screenplay
  • Finished Tate’s Flight arc for his Act 2  main storyline
  • [MAJOR SPOILERS] Tate can now be permanently removed from campus in his story arc in a number of ways, with consequences
  • Finished Tate’s Fight arc for his main Act 2 storyline
  • Fixed filters for Plutonium & Xerxes' main quest chats


  • Tate’s room at DIK can now be entered after a certain point in his quest

As always, you can report bugs in the Bugfinder General thread, or on the #bugs-bugs-bugs channel on Discord! <3333


Let's hope our favorite Eldritch monstrosity has stabilized! xoxoxoxo Professor Plutonium

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