[New Bugfix Build!] v7.0050: An Assortment of Fixes!

New build (v7.0050), available now on the main page!  A few quick bugfixes to start off the season with! xoxo


  • You should no longer greenscreen on a Sawyer pursual trigger in Act 2
  • Juno should no longer follow you around after their main quest
  • You should no longer be trapped in Hex’s room if you boink him during the Rapture party
  • Ashleigh & Covington reconciliation scene should no longer infinitely loop
  • Confronting the Dean about the hooded figure should now only activate at the correct phase
  • Wardrobe items shouldn’t disappear from your inventory in Act 1
  • Hex should now invite you to dinner with his dads earlier in the game
  • Kennedy should only get certain books about history and demons in during a specific part of Tate’s quest


  • Pool FX should no longer stick around after Hex pool scene
  • You can now only pick up one copy of Covington’s yearbook
  • You can now only pick up one copy of “Saucy Night Terrors! 1936” in the computer lab

As always, you can report bugs in the Bugfinder General thread, or on the #bugs-bugs-bugs channel on Discord! <3333


see you again soon, Student Disembody!! xoxoxoxooxoxox Professor Plutonium

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