[New Build!] v7.0006: A/V Megaquest & Tate content!!

New build (v7.0006), available now on the main page! TONS of new stuff - including Part 1 of Tate's Personal Quest, AND the entire framework & story for the A/V Major quest! I KNOWWWW!! For best effects, load up a save right BEFORE (SPOILERS) the final Act 1 murder!


  • “Memories” is now split into “Memories” (stuff you’ve done) and “Problems to Solve” (self-explanatory!)
  • Problems you can Solve in Act 2 will now appear under - you guessed it - Problems to Solve! When stuff happens that you’ll want to take a note of, it’ll still be added to your Memories.
  • Added first part of Tate’s personal quest to Act 2:
  • TATE ACT 2: Intro cutscene
  • TATE ACT 2: Veronika follow-up cutscene, dialogue, conditional dialogue
  • TATE ACT 2: Melyssa dialogue part 1, conditional dialogue
  • TATE ACT 2: Sharing Veronika’s binder with Tate, conditional dialogue
  • TATE ACT 2: Melyssa dad fight recruitment dialogue
  • TATE ACT 2: library dialogue & bumper dialogue if you take Tate with you to research at the library
  • Added Veronika’s Eldritch Binder item.
  • Added “detective work” style info/feedback text for when you discover the connection between (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) the Hays society and the Hays code
  • Added new books (readable with TEXT INSIDE!! oooo) to Act 2 library
  • Added dialogue for Kennedy for asking for books that’ll help with Dark Tate research (conditional on if you’ve read Veronika’s binder or not)
  • Added some extra text message stuff after the SPOILERS end of Act 1 fountain murder scene!
  • Added placeholder for Summer Camp Slashery main quest
  • Added placeholder for opening of Final Girl major main quest
  • Made behind-the-scenes framework for applying casting, sound, and lighting to A/V reels/screenplays (“reels”)
  • FULLY IMPLEMENTED A/V major quest!
  • Changed neon sign for Bus Back to Campus in the city center from pink to green
  • Added 2 more Ivan emotion faces! Yay!
  • TATE ACT 2: Added dialogue/cutscene for recruiting Ivan to help fight Tate’s dad (if Ivan transferred to Slasher U after the Final Girl Ball)
  • Added casting mechanics for casting Kennedy, Veronika, Covington, Hex, Sawyer, and Horsemike into various roles for the A/V midterm.
  • Added costuming into each reel
  • Added option to cast yourself in Tate’s movie
  • Added physical, readable screenplay items for Tate’s, Kennedy’s, and Veronika’s screenplays


  • Added popup intro to Problems to Solve UI.
  • Added memory in Tate’s relationships page for Melyssa agreeing to help research the Eldritch horror.
  • Added casting info to Problems to Solve for the A/V major quest.
  • Added memory text for SPOILERS notes in the Crawford family grimoire about Tate’s demon.
  • Changed icon to PURPLE for Act 2!

As always, you can report bugs in the Bugfinder General thread, or on the #bugs-bugs-bugs channel on Discord! <3333


Have an AWESOME winter break (whether you're on campus or not!! ;) )  xoxoxoxooxoxox Professor Plutonium

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